
Theatrical Resume

Business Resume

Currently in Use


My different looks throughout the years!

Black Hair Outside - Shot by Lane Madison Straub - @herecmesthesun

Past looks

Short Natural Hair (January 2024) - Shots by Alice at Loving My Company in Syracuse!

Short blonde hair (September 2023) ——- Shot by my momma :)

Pink hair studio shots (April 2023)——- Shot by Courtney Angel Robinson

Pink hair outside shots (April 2023)——- Shot by Courtney Angel Robinson

Red hair shots in my house (November 2021)——- Shot by Henry J and Madison LeMieux

Shaved hair shots outside (November 2020)——- Shot by Josh Denver (@workbydenver on Instagram)

Blue hair shots outside (August 2020)——- Shot by my mom :) Karen Jennings

Long ginger hair shots (December 2019)——- Shot by Josh Denver (@workbydenver on Instagram)